Palmsticcio with ground turkey and zucchini
Prepared tomato sauce: 🍅
- 1 can Palmsticcio
- 1 lb. ground turkey
- 3 cup tomato sauce
- 2 zucchini cut into sheets
- 1 cup mozzarella cheese grated
- ½ cup parmesan cheese grated
- Olive oil
- Sal and pepper
Prepared tomato sauce: 🍅
- 1 can tomato, chopped
- 1/2 chopped onion
- 12 cloves of garlic
- Dried oregano and basil
- Salt and pepper to taste
Unite all the ingredients in a pot and let them boil. When it boils, lower it over medium heat until it thickens, about 1 hour. Reserve.
After you have the tomato sauce you add it to the turkey that is in the pot and let it cook for 1 more hour.
In a bowl, put the chopped zucchini with a little salt to dehydrate, approximately 10 minutes. Then you strain it so that the liquid comes out a little.
In a container for lasagna, you place the layers of Palmsticcio, ground turkey in tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and zucchini until the top of the container. You top it with mozzarella cheese and Parmesan.
Bake 350 F for 45 min or until golden brown.💚