Tuna Pasta Salad: A Love Letter to Summer

Tuna Pasta Salad: A Love Letter to Summer


  • 2 cans of tuna (choose quality tuna in olive oil for that special touch)
  • Shell pasta (170 g)
  • Canned mix of carrots and petit pois (1 cup)
  • Canned corn (1 cup)
  • Red onion (20 g)
  • Chives (4 sprigs)
  • Cilantro (¼ cup)

For the Sauce:

  • Mayonnaise (1/3 cup)
  • Mustard (1 tablespoon)
  • Tomato sauce (1 tablespoon)
  • Garlic powder (1/8 teaspoon)
  • Onion powder (1/8 teaspoon)
  • Vinegar (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Boil the pasta following the instructions on the package.
  2. Meanwhile, in a cup, mix together the sauce ingredients.
  3. Combine the pasta with the vegetables, tuna, and sauce.
  4. Adjust the salt and pepper, and voilà! Enjoy a dish bursting with flavor, color, and that special spark that can transform your day.

Jego Healthy Life

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