Spalmghetti with butter, parmesan, pistachio and basil
- ¼ cup of peeled pistachios
- 1 can de SPALMGHETTI
- 1/2 cup fresh basil
- 1/2 cup grams grated Parmesan cheese
- One chopped garlic cil
- ¼ cup of cream of milk
- 1 cup of virgin olive oil
- Sal and pepper
- Boccocini y Cherry tomatoes (optional)
In a processor you place the washed and dried basil together with the pistachio, the garlic. You put it to process and gradually add the olive oil until everything is emulsified. Then, in a separate container you put the cream of milk and the Parmesan cheese. This mixture is added to the spamghetti that will be hot in a pan. Add chopped cherry tomatoes in half to your liking