Spalmghetti with cream roasted peppers

Spalmghetti with cream roasted peppers


  • 2 bell peppers orange or red
  • Olive oil
  • ¼ onions
  • 1 tsp garlic diced
  • Feta cheese
  • Parley leaves
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Salt and pepper to taste


In a baking tray you put the paprika with olive oil to brown in the oven (broil) until the skin of the paprika burns. Later when you remove that burned skin little by little and cut them into strips.
They are well burned, you put them in a bag and hope that they sweat a little.
In a pan you put olive oil, garlic and onion, when they are transparent they are joined in a processor with the roasted peppers strips. You add that mixture to the Spalmghetti and you add feta cheese, pumpkin seeds and parley.
Jego Healthy Life

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